Morpheús – Visualising sleep data

Data visualisation of 6 hours, 46 minutes audio recording from one night’s sleep.

In October 2021, I started having trouble sleeping. At first, I didn't pay much attention to it, thinking it was just a matter of adjusting to my new flat in London. But after countless sleepless nights, I realised that I needed to investigate the cause of my insomnia. Armed with an audio recording device I captured the ambient noises, and I recorded every movement.

What was the root cause of my insomnia? Was it anxiety or external noises?

After several weeks of data collection, I took a first look at the results and saw a clear pattern. During the early hours of the morning, when I was still asleep, I heard the noise of buses from the street below. They were the reason I couldn't sleep peacefully.

While the noise wasn't loud enough to fully awaken a person, it was enough to disturb my sleep. From these observations and data, Morpheus was born — a fusion of art and science that uses the sound data recorded during the night to create a visual representation on paper.

Each brushstroke and curve on the canvas told a story, a tale of sound waves moving through time. The lines showed the amplitude as the ups and downs of sonic vibrations. In the middle of this artwork, a broken circle emerged, a symbol of my disrupted sleep, with its peak showing towards the early morning.

The artwork is currently on display in Berlin at Einraum Berlin. Signed prints are available on my online store.

Morpheús (night), 2022, 101.6 cm x 101.6 cm, Giclée print archival inks. Limited edition of 10, numbered and signed.


The process

The process for Morpheús involved recording ambient noises every night for two months. The creative process within all my work naturally unfolds as a means to reclaim control over compulsive thought patterns.

This journey has been extensively documented in the Necessity Collection, which includes the piece Morpheús. Central in my practice is the consistent collection of data through various mediums like writing, sound recording, or other forms, often on a daily basis - sometimes over extended periods lasting months. This meticulous approach resulted in the creation of a large archive, an analogue log of moments of my life.

These data intricately intertwine with personal metrics, including physical aspects such as breathing patterns or social dimensions like quantifiable interactions.

Morpheús (night), is also available in an identical version with a lighter colour scheme. Available here.


Sum Over Histories – Visualising music


Wired UK